Mommy Makeover

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What is a Mommy Makeover?

This procedure is commonly known as a set of cosmetic procedures that are designed to restore a woman’s pre-pregnancy body. It also helps reduce the appearance of aging on the face, breasts, and body. Most Mommy Makeovers consist of cosmetic surgery and non-surgical treatments or a combination of surgical and non-surgical treatments. This procedure just really helps the patient feel more confident in their own skin again.

Benefits Of A Mommy Makeover

While pregnancy is a beautiful way to see your body change, it can often leave mothers with unwanted effects on your body.  Such as sagging breasts stretched muscles in the abdomen, and loose or excess skin. This can leave many moms’ feelings less confident and discouraged with the way they look after having a baby. By addressing these undesirable changes in the body, we can help you return to your pre-pregnancy shape coupled with a healthy diet and exercise. Mommy Makeovers are designed to restore your confidence and make you feel more like yourself.

Each procedure is customized to meet the patients ideal body goals that can help address or improve the following:

  • Correct sagging breasts, and add volume.
  • Improves the symmetry of the breasts.
  • Repair damage to the nipple and areola.
  • Remove excess and sagging skin from the abdomen.
  • Reduces pockets of stubborn diet and exercise resistant fat.
  • Improves the way clothing looks, for a more confident appearance.
Flying Horse Medical Center | Colorado Springs & Monument | Concierge Medicine, Plastic Surgery, Aesthetics, Psychiatry

What Are My Procedure Options?

Since pregnancy and childbirth have significant impact on your breasts and overall body appearance, the Mommy Makeover tends to lean more toward, breast enhancements and body contouring surgery. This procedure is easily customizable, to fit the patients’ individual needs and concerns. 

Popular Surgical Procedures:

  • Breast Augmentation
  • Breast Lift
  • Tummy Tuck
  • Liposuction
  • Feminine Rejuvenation

Other Non-surgical Procedures:

  • Botox
  • Fillers
  • BBL Photofacial
  • Skin Resurfacing Treatments

Makeover 1: Tummy Tuck and Mastopexy (Breast Lift) – No Implants Cost: Starting at $16500; Average Recovery Time: 6 Weeks
Makeover 2: Tummy Tuck and Breast Augmentation (No Breast Lift) Cost: Starting at $14200; Average Recovery Time: 6 Weeks
Makeover 3: Tummy Tuck , Breast Augmentation, Mastopexy (Breast Lift) Cost: Starting at $19400; Average Recovery Time: 6 Week

For more information reach out at (719) 633-5255 or schedule your Consultation with Dr. Geers!

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