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A Labiaplasty procedure’s main goal is to decrease the size of the inner tissue of female genitalia, so that is cohesive with the outer part of the female genitalia. This procedure requires a variety of different techniques depending on the patient’s initial situation and body goals. There are no energy type devices used for this procedure, and you will be able to talk through what you would like to see as a procedure outcome with your plastic surgeon at your initial consult. A Labiaplasty procedure is normally chosen by most woman to reduce the excess amount of pain and irritation.

Why You Might Need This Procedure.

There are a variety of contributing factors on why females may have an enlarged labium. Reasons could include aging, childbirth, genetics, and sexual activity. Females will look into this procedure for several reasons. Sometimes females can suffer from issues when they are dealing with an enlarged labium. It can make activities such as exercising difficult, performing a hygiene routine difficult, and you can also experience urinary track infections from having an enlarged labium.

With the advancement in technology, the trim method can be used to achieve the results you would like to achieve from your Labiaplasty procedure.

The Trim Procedure method involves trimming of the Labia. This is the original and most popular method performed by plastic surgeons. The excess part of the labia minora, is removed and sutured so that is even with the Labia Majora.

This surgery is an outpatient procedure and can be performed under local anesthesia depending on the treatment plan provided by Dr. Geers. This procedure usually takes about an hour, depending on if you decide to pair this procedure with other plastic surgery options.

For more information reach out at (719) 633-5255 or schedule your Consultation with Dr. Geers!

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