Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

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Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

Fat transfer to the breast is known as a few different names–Natural Breast Augmentation, Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation, No Implant-Breast Augmentation, or breast fat grafting. This procedure naturally enhances your breast shape and size without using implants to achieve your ideal body goals. This procedure utilizes Liposuction to collect fat from a designated donor site on your body. After the fat is collected, it is then injected into your breasts to achieve the desired size and shape for long-term results. This procedure is a great way to enhance your overall look and feel of your breasts without utilizing implants. Dr. Millicent Geers is one of the few Plastic Surgeons in Colorado Springs and Monument, CO skilled in Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation. You can view Dr. Geers’ noticeable, yet natural, patient results for Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation results here.

What is the difference between a Fat Transfer and Implants?

If you want to increase your cup size by 2 or more cups, then you would most likely be a better candidate for breast implants versus a fat transfer.

A fat transfer to the breasts augments the breasts by one to two cup sizes, so this is an excellent option for those who want a modest increase in their breast size.

One surgery isn’t a better option than the other. The surgery you select depends on what your overall body goals are and what you would like your end result to be. If you do no not have enough fat to harvest for the size increase you desire, you may want to consider the option of breast implants. Breast implants come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages.

Both silicone and saline implants have medically advanced over the years. However, there is still the chance of a leak or rupture. If a saline implant happens to rupture, it is noticeable immediately. On the other hand, it is more difficult to detect a rupture with silicone implants. For this reason, the FDA recommends regular interval implant surveillance with ultrasound and/or MRI every 5-6 years after implantation.

With a Fat Transfer to the Breasts,  there is no maintenance or upkeep other than making sure you get your mammograms on a schedule recommended by your doctor. You will not have to worry about a rupture or routine MRI scans. Plus, you will never have to have additional surgeries to remove or replace your breast implants.

What are the benefits of a fat transfer to the breasts?

  • Natural looking and feeling breasts
  • Zero chances of a rupture or capsular contracture
  • No chance of an allergic reaction, due to the fat coming from the patients own body
  • Zero chance of Breast Implant Illness (BII) or Systemic Symptoms
  • It can be a subtle enhancement option, that is not obvious

Who is an Ideal Candidate for this Procedure?

The ideal candidate for a Fat Transfer to the Breast is realistic about her over all body goals. This is an individualized procedure with varying results for different body types. You may not get the exact result of patient who has a smaller body frame than you versus someone who has a larger body frame than you. To achieve successful Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation results, you must have adequate fat deposits on your body. You may need a few different fat donor sites to successfully achieve your desired size. In some cases (especially those of you with minimal fat), you may need more than one fat transfer surgery to get your desired result as anywhere from 30-50% of the fat may not survive the fat transfer process.

You should be in good health for this procedure. Additionally, all forms of nicotine must be stopped for a period before and after Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation to achieve the best result.

What does Recovery Look Like for Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation?

After your surgery is completed, you will be placed in a surgical bra that will help the breasts settle comfortably into their new shape. You should plan to take at least 2 to 3 days off work to rest.  You will have some swelling and may experience discomfort for about 2 to 3 weeks post-op. However, Dr. Geers will provide you with medication that can help ease the discomfort of the healing process. Additionally, you will not be able to put any pressure on the newly transferred fat for a minimum of six weeks.

For more information about Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation, reach out at (719) 633-5255 or schedule your Consultation with Dr. Geers!

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