Chemical peels combine vitamins and acids to rejuvenate skin by removing the top, dead layer of skin, improving tone, texture, pigmentation, and overall skin health. It works to shrink pore size, correct fine lines and wrinkles, stimulate collagen and elastin production and improve acne and hyperpigmentation.
The Vi Peel contains a synergistic blend of powerful ingredients suitable for all skin types, for dramatic results with virtually no pain, no skin preparation and little downtime.
A light (superficial) chemical peel removes the outer layer of skin (epidermis). It’s used to treat fine wrinkles, acne, uneven skin tone and dryness. You may have a light peel every two to five weeks.
A medium chemical peel removes skin cells from the epidermis and from portions of the upper part of your middle layer of skin (dermis). It’s used to treat wrinkles, acne scars and uneven skin tone. You may need to repeat the procedure to achieve or maintain the desired result.
A deep chemical peel removes skin cells even deeper. Your doctor might recommend one for deeper wrinkles, scars or precancerous growths. You won’t need repeat to achieve the full effect.
Obsolete peels of the past, without exception, epitomize the “no pain, no gain” approach to skin care. Before Vi Peel, the deeper the peel, the more painful, the more downtime, the better the results. Vi Peel is the first Next Generation Aesthetic. It is painless, yet produces dramatic visible results in just days with little downtime. Q. How many treatments are required to show an improved look?
A single VI Peel will achieve significant repair and add a healthy glow to the skin. It is a true, restorative and painless repair of damaged skin including sun damage and acne. Best of all, it is a true aging preventive for younger skin with no visible damage.
Like everything else in life, human skin needs maintenance. The Vi Peel’s wonderful results will last as long as skin care is maintained, sun exposure is moderate and preventive aging with the Vi Peel is performed three or four times per year and, in between, skin care is optimized with the second Next Generation Aesthetic, the Vi Derm™ Skin Care System.
We believe skin care should be “dentilized”, where we treat our skin with the same care that we treat our teeth. Regular visits to a medical professional coupled with daily maintenance allow us to enjoy what life has to offer, in moderation, without the fear of damaging our skin, the same way we may eat a little chocolate and drink coffee between visits to our dentist.
The many innovations that created the Vi Peel combine to enable the entire continuum of skin types to enjoy the benefits of the peel. For the first time, Afro-American and darker skin types such as some Asian and Latin skins can experience anti-aging and restorative skin care previously unavailable.
The Vi Peel requires no preconditioning of the skin associated with older generation peels that can take three to five months.
Not really. Patients will feel a slight stinging sensation for a few seconds which subsides completely almost immediately. The peel is applied topically, numbing of the skin takes place after the first pass. Some patients may feel more comfortable using a fan or cold air breeze.
The skin peeling associated with the Vi Peel is a light, fluffy peel that will start on day three and generally be finished by the end of day four. The peeling is easily hidden by moisturizer. In some cases, the peel is virtually invisible.
The skin will look slightly tan to red immediately after the peel. On days one and two the skin will feel slightly tighter with no visible signs of having a peel except for looking slightly tan, as if the patient just returned from a relaxing weekend at a resort. Any pigmented areas might appear slightly darker, which is a good sign. On about day three, you begin to peel. The first signs of peeling usually begin around the mouth area, continuing for a day or two. With the use of the Vi Derm™ moisturizer, patients go about their usual daily routine. By day six or day seven you are done peeling and the results are dramatic!
There are no restrictions. Normal activities can be resumed immediately after the peel.
It uses the synergy of all available and known modes of action of various acids to produce a multitude of positive effects. It tackles skin problems at the cellular level rather than just burning skin off. Thanks to the concerted actions of its many acids and vitamins, it will help erase fine lines and wrinkles, shrink enlarged pores and build collagen and elastin which tighten skin. It is extremely effective in practically eliminating hyper pigmentation including melasma, the most difficult pigmentation issue to address. The Vi Peel also provides excellent results for patients with acne.
The peel may be repeated as often as every two weeks, if necessary, for damaged skin. Our recommendation for average skin would be once every three months to prevent damage and the underlying aging of the skin. We will evaluate your goals and expectations and make an appropriate recommendation for ongoing skin care.
While the long term goal is to eliminate the need to use any makeup, it may be worn at any time after the peel solution has dried. Makeup should not be applied on the days that the skin is peeling, just moisturizer. Makeup can then be resumed at any time after the skin peels.
Of course! The Vi Peel is incredibly effective in removing sunspots from the hands and chest and eliminating the wrinkles associated with sun damage on the décolletage. We will customize the application for you.
It’s as easy as 3-4-7. With a single 3-4 minute application, 100% guaranteed results are dramatic in just seven days!
Main: 719-633-5255
GLOW: 719-598-2000
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Monday – Friday: 8am-5pm
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