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Refresh Your Look

Refresh Your Look

Spring is a season of renewal, making it the perfect time to refresh your look and embrace a more confident you. For Moms, the arrival of spring often means shedding the winter blues and stepping into a season full of energy and possibilities. 

Procedures like a Facelift or Neck Lift are excellent options for gently lifting and tightening your features, giving you a youthful and refreshed appearance. Both procedures can be performed discreetly in the comfort of a private medical office without the need for general anesthesia, offering you a safe and comfortable experience with minimal downtime. 

These procedures are designed to address common concerns such as sagging skin, fine lines, and loss of definition around the jawline and neck. The best part? They can be performed under local anesthesia, making them a safe and convenient choice for busy Moms. Recovery is quick and manageable, allowing you to return to your daily activities with minimal interruption. Whether you’re attending spring events or simply enjoying more time outdoors, you’ll feel confident and radiant.

As a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon and Mom, I take pride in offering personalized care that aligns with your unique goals and lifestyle. I understand that Moms often put their needs last, but Spring is the perfect time to prioritize yourself. These subtle yet impactful procedures can help you feel as vibrant on the outside as you are on the inside.

Spring is also an ideal time to schedule these treatments, as the cooler weather allows for comfortable healing before the summer season. Imagine stepping into summer with a refreshed look and renewed confidence. Whether it’s a Mini Facelift, a Neck Lift, or a combination of procedures, I’m here to help you achieve natural, beautiful results that enhance your unique features.  Trust a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon who understands what it’s like to juggle family, work, and personal goals. From Harvard to Hollywood, I have trained and honed my surgical skills to help bring out the very best physique, for all those moms who have sacrificed—mind, body, and spirit—for their children.  

Let this season of renewal inspire you to invest in yourself. Schedule a consultation with me, Dr. Millicent Geers, today to explore how we can create a personalized plan to help you look and feel your best. This spring, it’s time to bloom with confidence.

From one Mom to another, I see you and carry on smartly.
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Love Your Look

Flying Horse Medical Center | Colorado Springs & Monument | Plastic Surgery

Love Your Look

Flying Horse Medical Center | Colorado Springs & Monument | Plastic Surgery
Valentine’s Day isn’t just about showing love to others—it’s about loving yourself too. For Moms in the Colorado Springs and Monument, Colorado areas, this special day is an excellent reminder that self-care is a form of self-love. If you’ve been dreaming of subtle enhancements that bring out your natural beauty, Valentine’s is the perfect time to make those dreams a reality. 

Procedures like Chin Liposuction can redefine your profile, enhancing your features and boosting your confidence. Alternatively, Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation offers a natural way to enhance your curves, using your own fat for results that feel uniquely yours.

Both of these procedures can be performed discreetly in the comfort of a private medical office, without the need for general anesthesia, offering you a safe and comfortable experience with minimal downtime. 

As a Mom, you’re constantly giving to others, but Valentine’s Day is a wonderful opportunity to give back to yourself. Imagine the confidence you’ll feel walking into date night or even just a casual outing, knowing you look and feel your best.

As a Female Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon and Mom, I specialize in helping other Moms achieve their aesthetic goals while prioritizing their busy lifestyles. I understand the unique challenges of balancing self-care with the demands of Motherhood. That’s why I offer procedures designed with your schedule in mind—no lengthy recoveries, no unnecessary risks, just beautiful, natural-looking results that let your confidence shine through.

This Valentine’s Day, let’s celebrate you. Whether you’re looking to refine your profile, enhance your curves, or simply explore options for feeling your best, I’m here to guide you every step of the way. From Harvard to Hollywood, I have trained and honed my surgical skills to help bring out the very best physique for all those moms who have sacrificed—mind, body, and spirit—for their children.  

Schedule a consultation with me, Dr. Millicent Geers, to learn how we can create a customized plan that fits your needs. You deserve to feel as beautiful as the love you share with those around you.

From one Mom to another, I see you and carry on smartly.
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New Year, New You

Flying Horse Medical Center | Colorado Springs & Monument | Plastic Surgery

New Year, New You

Flying Horse Medical Center | Colorado Springs & Monument | Plastic Surgery

The new year is a time for fresh starts and renewed confidence. For Moms in the Colorado Springs and Monument, Colorado areas, it’s the perfect opportunity to focus on self-care and prioritize your well-being. The demands of motherhood often leave little room for personal attention, but embracing a new year is the perfect chance to make time for yourself. 

Procedures like Upper Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) can give your eyes a refreshed and youthful look, helping you feel more vibrant in photos and daily life. This quick and minimally invasive procedure can be performed discreetly in the comfort of a private medical office setting, without the need for general anesthesia. Upper Blepharoplasty allows you to achieve stunning results without the extended downtime associated with more invasive surgeries.

As a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon and Mom, I understand the unique needs of Moms. I’ve seen how even small changes can have a profound impact on a Mom’s confidence and overall sense of well-being. Upper Blepharoplasty is just one of the many options that can help you look as energized as you feel inside. Whether it’s a brighter appearance for family gatherings or simply feeling more confident during everyday moments, the benefits of this procedure are long-lasting and transformative.

Recovery is quick and manageable, allowing busy Moms to return to their routines in no time. Plus, the procedure’s minimally invasive nature means you can start the year with confidence without worrying about extended healing periods. If you’ve been putting off self-care, let this new year serve as a reminder that investing in yourself isn’t just about appearance—it’s about reclaiming your sense of self.

Trust a female Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon who understands what it’s like to juggle family, work, and personal goals. From Harvard to Hollywood, I have trained and honed my surgical skills to help bring out the very best physique, for all those moms who have sacrificed—mind, body, and spirit—for their children.  

Let’s make this year your most confident yet. Schedule a consultation with me, Dr. Millicent Geers, today to discuss how an Upper Blepharoplasty can help you start the year feeling like the best version of yourself.

From one Mom to another, I see you and carry on smartly.

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Avoid bad scarring after plastic surgery

Flying Horse Medical Center | Colorado Springs & Monument | Concierge Medicine, Plastic Surgery, Aesthetics, Psychiatry

Avoid bad scarring after plastic surgery

Flying Horse Medical Center | Colorado Springs & Monument | Concierge Medicine, Plastic Surgery, Aesthetics, Psychiatry

Improving your body contour while minimizing the appearance of scars is the goal of all Plastic Surgery. How your scars will turn out is in part related to how your Plastic Surgeon sutures your incisions but more so how you take care of the scars after surgery. 

Scarring after any type of surgery, including Plastic Surgery, is normal and expected. Your body produces collagen at your incision site to close the wound. Usually this goes as expected. However, your body’s natural healing process can sometimes create excess collagen, causing raised or discolored scars.

Scar Treatment

Silicone scar treatment is a plastic surgery hack for improving the appearance of scars. The two forms are sheeting or gel. Silicone sheeting is a special bandage you place over your scar. Silicone gel is a twice-daily application to your scar. The form of silicone treatment that is best for you will be based on the location of your scar, the length of your car, and your lifestyle.

The duration of scar treatment varies based on your scar and how your body responds. Scars continue to mature and change for up to TWO years after the initial incision. Generally, it’s recommended you use it consistently for several months and even up to two years for best results. While this is difficult for most people to do consistently, the reward is a nearly imperceptible scar. Think of using silicone therapy like wearing braces to straighten your teeth – it takes time and patience, but it will make a big difference in the long run.

So, to sum it up, silicone scar treatment is a non-invasive way to improve the appearance of scars by flattening and fading them over time. And the longer you use it, the better the results may be! Colorado Springs Board-Certified Female Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Millicent Geers provides all of her patients with scar treatment starting approximately 3 weeks after surgery. This scar treatment is included as part of your postoperative care.

Schedule your consultation 

To book your personalized Plastic Surgery Consult with Harvard-, Duke-, and Northwestern-educated Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Millicent Geers, please call: 719-633-5255.

For more Plastic Surgery knowledge, tips, fun facts, and before-and-after photos, follow Dr. Geers on Instagram.

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Choosing your Breast Implant Size

Flying Horse Medical Center | Colorado Springs & Monument | Concierge Medicine, Plastic Surgery, Aesthetics, Psychiatry

Choosing your Breast Implant Size

Flying Horse Medical Center | Colorado Springs & Monument | Concierge Medicine, Plastic Surgery, Aesthetics, Psychiatry

The Rice Test is a Plastic Surgery hack that can help you avoid additional breast surgery due to dissatisfaction with your initial implant size. A desire to change breast implant size is the #1 reason for another operation when it comes to Breast Augmentation.

All right, Goldilocks! There are 3 possibilities when it comes to selecting your breast implant size:

  • Too big
  • Too small
  • Just right

So how do you avoid a size that’s too big or too small for your liking? 

To avoid a breast implant size that is either too big or too small, you need to take your natural dimensions into consideration. The width of your breasts and your starting breast size will determine what additional volume you want and how wide your implant will be for that given volume. You don’t want a rock in a sock. You also don’t want an implant so wide, it gets in the way of your arms. Neither are a good look.

So how does the Rice Test help you avoid the wrong implant size?

The Rice Test is an inexpensive Plastic Surgery hack that works. Buy a cheap 1 lb. box or bag of rice, a pair of pantyhose, and some rubber bands. You’ll also need a bra that is your new goal bra size. Now:

  • Cut the pantyhose just above the ankles to make two pantyhose “baggies.”
  • Add a 1/2 cup of dry rice to the baggie and tie it off with a rubber band leaving a little wiggle room.
  • Mold the rice bag to accommodate your existing breast tissue and place it in the bra.
  • Now put on a tight tank top or t-shirt to check out your new silhouette.
  • Add and subtract rice until you reach your desired size. Make a note of the rice volume.

Remember, the Rice Test is just an approximation, but now you’ll be better able to let your Plastic Surgeon know the size you desire.

Yes, there are 3-D simulators that can virtually “visualize” your new look, but Board-Certified Female Plastic Surgeon Dr. Millicent Geers believes there’s nothing like actually feeling and carrying the weight in your bra. Once you have booked your Implant Breast Augmentation Surgery with Dr. Geers, in order to help you decide on the best implant size for you, you will have the opportunity to try on silicone implant sizers that are specially made to accommodate your existing breast tissue. Fitted t-shirts, tank tops, and bras to wear over the sizers are also provided so that you can adjust your size to your desire and admire your new look!

To book your personalized Colorado Springs Breast Augmentation Consult with Harvard-, Duke-, and Northwestern-educated Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Millicent Geers, please call: 719-633-5255.

For more Plastic Surgery knowledge, tips, fun facts, and before-and-after photos, follow Dr. Geers on Instagram.


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Plastic Surgery Tip: Waterproof Mattress Protector

Flying Horse Medical Center | Colorado Springs & Monument | Concierge Medicine, Plastic Surgery, Aesthetics, Psychiatry

Plastic Surgery Tip: Waterproof Mattress Protector

Flying Horse Medical Center | Colorado Springs & Monument | Concierge Medicine, Plastic Surgery, Aesthetics, Psychiatry

A waterproof mattress protector is a Plastic Surgery hack that can save you a lot of hassle, time, and money! Bloody drainage from your incisions after Plastic Surgery can ruin your furniture, car seats, bedsheets, and mattress. Liposuction is the biggest offender when it comes to post-surgical bloody drainage. This drainage is expected and is normal. You can avoid ruining your upholstery, mattress, and bedsheets from drainage stains with a mattress protector. Simply put the mattress cover over the items you want to protect, just throw it in the wash daily to clean it until you no longer have drainage. 

My favorite waterproof mattress protector is made by Avocado* . Why?

  • 100% Organic cotton and feels so soft against your skin. 
  • Avocado’s Organic Waterproof Mattress Protector is breathable 
  • There’s no annoying crinkling sounds when you move
  • You won’t get overheated
  • Perhaps most importantly —  it works! 

In summary, purchasing a waterproof mattress protector should be part of your Plastic Surgery preparation. Carry on smartly.

Schedule your consultation

To book your personalized Colorado Springs Breast Augmentation Consult with Harvard-, Duke-, and Northwestern-educated Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Millicent Geers, please call: 719-633-5255. For more Plastic Surgery knowledge, tips, fun facts, and before-and-after photos, follow Dr. Geers on Instagram.

*Dr. Geers has no affiliation and make no money from Avocado. They simply make an outstanding product I can stand by.

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How you can avoid ruining your plastic surgery results.

Flying Horse Medical Center | Colorado Springs & Monument | Concierge Medicine, Plastic Surgery, Aesthetics, Psychiatry

How you can avoid ruining your plastic surgery results.

Flying Horse Medical Center | Colorado Springs & Monument | Concierge Medicine, Plastic Surgery, Aesthetics, Psychiatry

Excessive swelling after plastic surgery can ruin your plastic surgery results

If your skin stays stretched out from too much swelling, even if your Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon performed the best surgery in the world, your result will not be as good. Specifically, your result won’t be as tight or taut, as it could have been. So, how can you avoid excessive postoperative swelling (also known as postoperative edema)?

How you can reduce swelling

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) or Lymphatic Massage after plastic surgery is a plastic surgery hack that reduces swelling. How, you may ask. 

Let’s use a sponge as an example. After your surgery, fluid collects in the cells of your treatment area. Think of a sponge soaking up water. With compressive kneading movements, manual lymphatic drainage pushes this fluid out of the sponge (your treatment area cells), into the sink, down the drain, and into the pipes (your lymphatic vessels). These pipes then drain into other pipes (your bloodstream) that eventually empty into a reservoir (your kidneys) and you eventually pee this fluid out. 

In addition to reducing post-surgical swelling, Manual Lymphatic Drainage:

  • Alleviates discomfort and soreness
  • Reduces bruising and discoloration
  • Enhances immune function
  • Speeds up the healing process

Lymphatic massage after Plastic Surgery is especially useful after Liposuction, Tummy Tuck, Arm Lift, and Thigh Lift procedures.

Booking your Manual Lymphatic Drainage sessions should be part of your plastic surgery preparation. We have recommendations for excellent Manual Lymphatic Drainage Specialists in the Colorado Springs area.

To book your personalized Plastic Surgery Consult with Harvard-, Duke-, and Northwestern-educated Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Millicent Geers, please call: 719-633-5255.

For more Plastic Surgery knowledge, tips, fun facts, and before-and-after photos, follow Dr. Geers on Instagram.



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Plastic Surgery: You get what you pay for.

Liposuction-Plastic Surgery Flying Horse Medical Center

Plastic Surgery: You get what you pay for.

Liposuction-Plastic Surgery Flying Horse Medical Center

At factory-like, revolving door, turnstile-type Plastic Surgery offices where you are treated as a number and not a person, often Non-Physician “Surgeon Substitutes” perform part of your surgery to help maximize profits. In these scenarios, the Plastic Surgeon performs some aspects of your procedure and then moves on to the next surgical patient before your procedure is completed. A Non-Physician “Surgeon Substitute” is then left to finish up your case. Using this tactic, the Plastic Surgeon can stuff in more surgeries during the day, sacrificing quality for quantity.

What could possibly go wrong?

Maiming, botching, and death. These factory-like, revolving door, turnstile-type plastic surgery offices can offer you bargain-basement pricing because, just like with diamonds, designer clothing, and designer purses, counterfeits (unqualified Surgeon Substitutes) are cheaper than the real deal.

This lackadaisical approach to patient care and patient safety often starts at the consultation, where the Plastic Surgeon is substituted with a non-medical employee who evaluates your body, makes a diagnosis, and then creates the surgical plan. Sometimes you won’t even meet the Surgeon or know which Surgeon will be performing your surgery until the day of your surgery. How does this make sense?

If you want to save money, do so when deciding between household cleaning items or workout attire, but not when it comes to your one and only body. Skill, experience, and a track record of satisfied patients are more important than a low price. Before you consent to surgery, ask your Surgeon if s/he will have any assistants, and if so, what exactly are their qualifications and which portion of your procedure are they performing. You only get one body. Protect it.

Remember, ain’t nothing like the real thing.

Carry on smartly.

To book your personalized Plastic Surgery Consult with Harvard-, Duke-, and Northwestern-educated Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Millicent Geers, please call: 719-633-5255

For more Plastic Surgery knowledge, tips, fun facts, and before-and-after photos, follow Dr. Geers on Instagram:

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Plastic Surgeon Imitators to Avoid

Flying Horse Medical Center | Colorado Springs & Monument | Concierge Medicine, Plastic Surgery, Aesthetics, Psychiatry

Plastic Surgeon Imitators to Avoid

Flying Horse Medical Center | Colorado Springs & Monument | Concierge Medicine, Plastic Surgery, Aesthetics, Psychiatry

In a prior blog, Dr. Geers promised to provide you with a list of Plastic Surgeon Imitators/Knockoffs/Wannabes whom you should avoid when it comes to protecting yourself or anyone you love and cherish. There are a multitude of Non-Plastic Surgeons with no qualms about using you as a surgical guinea pig. They take weekend courses taught by other Non-Plastic Surgeons and some, as seen on at least one website have, “educated” themselves about Cosmetic Plastic Surgery. Refer to this blog at any time if you have any questions about who exactly should NOT be performing your Tummy TuckBreast Augmentation with ImplantsNatural Breast Augmentation/Breast Augmentation with FatLiposuction, Breast Reduction, or any other Plastic Surgery that can have serious complications. 

Please note that Plastic Surgeon Imposters may be “Board Certified,” but that certification is not in the specialty of PLASTIC SURGERY! 

Imitators to Avoid

The following Physicians and non-physicians do NOT have the formal training to be performing Plastic Surgery on your body (or the body of anyone you cherish). Sadly, this list is not exhaustive. 

  1. Obstetricians
  2. Gynecologists
  3. Family Medicine Physicians
  4. Internal Medicine Physicians 
  5. Emergency Room Physicians
  6. Dentists
  7. General Surgeons
  8. Urologists
  9. Pathologists
  10. Radiologists
  11. Nurses 
  12. Nurse Practitioners
  13. Physician Assistants
  14. Medical Assistants
  15. Office Managers
  16. Anyone who may play a doctor on television*
  17. Anyone who is NOT a surgeon and who is also not BOARD ELIGIBLE or BOARD CERTIFIED in PLASTIC SURGERY 

Disclaimer: While to Dr. Geers’ knowledge, no one who has acted as a doctor on television has posed as a Plastic Surgeon, they were included in the list because the thought of having one of them perform your Plastic Surgery procedure is as ridiculous as having any of the other medical personnel who are not Plastic Surgeons perform your surgery. 

Carry on smartly.

To book your personalized Plastic Surgery Consult with Harvard-, Duke-, and Northwestern-educated Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Millicent Geers, please call: 719-633-5255

For more Plastic Surgery knowledge, tips, fun facts, and before-and-after photos, follow Dr. Geers on Instagram:

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Beware of Plastic Surgery Imitators

Flying Horse Medical Center | Colorado Springs & Monument | Concierge Medicine, Plastic Surgery, Aesthetics, Psychiatry

Beware of Plastic Surgery Imitators

Flying Horse Medical Center | Colorado Springs & Monument | Concierge Medicine, Plastic Surgery, Aesthetics, Psychiatry

A weekend course in Liposuction, Breast Augmentation with Implants, Natural Breast Augmentation, or [insert any other Plastic Surgery procedure] is not the equivalent of formal Plastic Surgery training.

Formal Plastic Surgery training occurs over a 5-9 year time period. This training is IN ADDITION TO four years of college and four years of medical school. That’s 13-17 years total!

Colorado Springs and Monument, Colorado Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Millicent Odunze Geers, earned her undergraduate degree with Honors from Harvard University and then earned her Doctorate in Medicine from Duke University. Directly after graduation from Duke Medical School, Dr. Geers was accepted into a highly-competitive 7-year Plastic Surgery Residency at Northwestern University. After successfully completing her Plastic Surgery Residency, Dr. Geers completed a 1-year fellowship focused on Cosmetic Plastic Surgery to hone the skills she’d learned in Residency. That’s 16 total years of education!

“Imitation Plastic Surgeons”

It is a ludicrous concept that a Non-Plastic Surgeon would think that by taking a 48-72 hour course in Liposuction, Breast Augmentation, etc., s/he has earned the credentials and right to operate on your body. Believe it or not, these people do exist.

There are a myriad of “Plastic Surgeon” Imitators/Knockoffs/Wannabes who want to perform surgery on your body after dabbling in a weekend course taught by other “Plastic Surgeon” Imitators/ Knockoffs/Wannabes. Aside from not knowing how to properly perform the procedures taught to them in a 48-72 hour course, more troubling is that these “Shortcut Surgeons” don’t know what they don’t know. And that should absolutely terrify you. False confidence when it comes to surgery can be fatal.

Before becoming a Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Geers had already performed thousands of cases as a Plastic Surgery Resident. The type of surgical experience Dr. Geers acquired cannot be gleaned in a 48-72 hour weekend course.

So what exactly is NOT taught in a weekend course?

1. How to observe nuances in anatomy from one person to another and to adjust the surgical plan accordingly. For example, not recognizing that a patient has prominent ribs and then proceeding with Liposuction without making the proper adjustments. This lack of knowledge and experience could lead to puncturing the intestines, stomach, or lungs with the liposuction cannula. This could be fatal or at best, require a long stay (weeks to months) in an ICU.

2. How to detect complications early before they become major issues.

3. How to know when NOT to perform surgery. For example, that abdominal bulge for which you are seeking contour improvement may actually be a hernia, not extra fat. Liposuction in this scenario would potentially be fatal or at best, require a long stay (weeks to months) in an ICU.

In short, don’t trust your one and only body to a Shortcut Surgeon who thinks it’s appropriate to use your body as a surgical guinea pig. Who exactly are these Plastic Surgeon Imitators? Look for a list of these Non-Plastic Surgeons to avoid in an upcoming blog post.

Carry on smartly.

To book your personalized Plastic Surgery Consult with Harvard, Duke, and Northwestern-educated Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Millicent Geers, please call: 719-633-5255

For more Plastic Surgery knowledge, tips, fun facts, and before-and-after photos, follow Dr. Geers on Instagram: