Breast Implant Removal

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Breast Implant Removal

Breast Implant Removal is a surgical procedure suggested to remove implants for cosmetic or reconstructive surgery. This procedure can help if you would like to increase your breast size, decrease you breast size, or remove your breast implants completely. This also gives your surgeon the opportunity to remove any scar tissue that has incased the implant that can make the tissue hard and uncomfortable for the patient.

Why Would a Patient have their Breast Implants Removed?

There are a variety of reason that a person may want to or need to undergo Breast Implant Removal surgery. Breast Implants usually have a life span of 10-15 years and will need to be replaced if the patient is healthy enough to endure surgery. In some cases, breast implants can leak or rupture, this can happen with both silicone and saline implants. When this happens, the breast implant becomes hard and can be loose its original shape. It is recommended that you get a MRI scan 5-6 years after your initial procedure, and once every 2 years after that to make sure there is no ruptures or abnormalities. Another reason for an implant removal can come from a capsular contracture, which happens when scar tissue forms around the initial implant. This condition can be painful and cause your breasts to harden. Other patients may wish to remove their implants because they just don’t want them anymore or would like a different size.


What Are The Benefits Of A Breast Implant Removal?

Here are just a few benefits of a Breast Implant Removal procedure benefits:

  • Mammograms | Reducing the difficulty to have a mammogram completed. Sometimes breast implants can make this difficult due to the implant being placed above the pectoral muscle.
  • Reducing Pain | Sometimes larger implants can lead to shoulder, back, and neck pain due to the weight you experience on the chest. You can also experience pain and discomfort due to scar tissue that is built up around the implant.
  • No more breast implant replacements | It is recommended that implants are replaced every 10 years.
  • No Implant Ruptures | A rupture can happen when from intense pressure, defective implants, aged implants that have become weak.
  • Boost of confidence | Sometimes patient’s priorities and body goals change over time. Removing your breast implants can help you feel more confident in your own skin again.

What is the Recovery Time For A Breast Implant Removal?

Immediately after your procedure your surgeon or surgical staff will dress your incision with gauze and drains if needed. Drains are small surgical tubes that remove excess fluid and blood that can cause swelling. This helps the healing process progress a little easier.  Your surgeon may also suggest a compression garment to help reduce any swelling and bruising you may experience over the next several weeks.

For more information reach out at (719) 633-5255 or schedule your Consultation with Dr. Geers!

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