Avoid bad scarring after plastic surgery

Flying Horse Medical Center | Colorado Springs & Monument | Concierge Medicine, Plastic Surgery, Aesthetics, Psychiatry

Improving your body contour while minimizing the appearance of scars is the goal of all Plastic Surgery. How your scars will turn out is in part related to how your Plastic Surgeon sutures your incisions but more so how you take care of the scars after surgery. 

Scarring after any type of surgery, including Plastic Surgery, is normal and expected. Your body produces collagen at your incision site to close the wound. Usually this goes as expected. However, your body’s natural healing process can sometimes create excess collagen, causing raised or discolored scars.

Scar Treatment

Silicone scar treatment is a plastic surgery hack for improving the appearance of scars. The two forms are sheeting or gel. Silicone sheeting is a special bandage you place over your scar. Silicone gel is a twice-daily application to your scar. The form of silicone treatment that is best for you will be based on the location of your scar, the length of your car, and your lifestyle.

The duration of scar treatment varies based on your scar and how your body responds. Scars continue to mature and change for up to TWO years after the initial incision. Generally, it’s recommended you use it consistently for several months and even up to two years for best results. While this is difficult for most people to do consistently, the reward is a nearly imperceptible scar. Think of using silicone therapy like wearing braces to straighten your teeth – it takes time and patience, but it will make a big difference in the long run.

So, to sum it up, silicone scar treatment is a non-invasive way to improve the appearance of scars by flattening and fading them over time. And the longer you use it, the better the results may be! Colorado Springs Board-Certified Female Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Millicent Geers provides all of her patients with scar treatment starting approximately 3 weeks after surgery. This scar treatment is included as part of your postoperative care.

Schedule your consultation 

To book your personalized Plastic Surgery Consult with Harvard-, Duke-, and Northwestern-educated Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Millicent Geers, please call: 719-633-5255.

For more Plastic Surgery knowledge, tips, fun facts, and before-and-after photos, follow Dr. Geers on Instagram.

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