Choosing your Breast Implant Size

Flying Horse Medical Center | Colorado Springs & Monument | Concierge Medicine, Plastic Surgery, Aesthetics, Psychiatry

The Rice Test is a Plastic Surgery hack that can help you avoid additional breast surgery due to dissatisfaction with your initial implant size. A desire to change breast implant size is the #1 reason for another operation when it comes to Breast Augmentation.

All right, Goldilocks! There are 3 possibilities when it comes to selecting your breast implant size:

  • Too big
  • Too small
  • Just right

So how do you avoid a size that’s too big or too small for your liking? 

To avoid a breast implant size that is either too big or too small, you need to take your natural dimensions into consideration. The width of your breasts and your starting breast size will determine what additional volume you want and how wide your implant will be for that given volume. You don’t want a rock in a sock. You also don’t want an implant so wide, it gets in the way of your arms. Neither are a good look.

So how does the Rice Test help you avoid the wrong implant size?

The Rice Test is an inexpensive Plastic Surgery hack that works. Buy a cheap 1 lb. box or bag of rice, a pair of pantyhose, and some rubber bands. You’ll also need a bra that is your new goal bra size. Now:

  • Cut the pantyhose just above the ankles to make two pantyhose “baggies.”
  • Add a 1/2 cup of dry rice to the baggie and tie it off with a rubber band leaving a little wiggle room.
  • Mold the rice bag to accommodate your existing breast tissue and place it in the bra.
  • Now put on a tight tank top or t-shirt to check out your new silhouette.
  • Add and subtract rice until you reach your desired size. Make a note of the rice volume.

Remember, the Rice Test is just an approximation, but now you’ll be better able to let your Plastic Surgeon know the size you desire.

Yes, there are 3-D simulators that can virtually “visualize” your new look, but Board-Certified Female Plastic Surgeon Dr. Millicent Geers believes there’s nothing like actually feeling and carrying the weight in your bra. Once you have booked your Implant Breast Augmentation Surgery with Dr. Geers, in order to help you decide on the best implant size for you, you will have the opportunity to try on silicone implant sizers that are specially made to accommodate your existing breast tissue. Fitted t-shirts, tank tops, and bras to wear over the sizers are also provided so that you can adjust your size to your desire and admire your new look!

To book your personalized Colorado Springs Breast Augmentation Consult with Harvard-, Duke-, and Northwestern-educated Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Millicent Geers, please call: 719-633-5255.

For more Plastic Surgery knowledge, tips, fun facts, and before-and-after photos, follow Dr. Geers on Instagram.


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