What is a Skin Classic Treatment, and How Can it Benefit Me?

Flying Horse Medical Center | Colorado Springs & Monument | Concierge Medicine, Plastic Surgery, Aesthetics, Psychiatry

Skin Classic Treatments are a great way to reduce the appearance of imperfections such as  hyperpigmentation and blemishes. Our skin can become damaged through everyday activities such as having a  high exposure to  the sun, harmful debris, and due to the natural aging process all have an impact on the health of our skin. Receiving this treatment will help conceal and correct imperfections in your skin that may make you unhappy. Skin Classic Treatments help you restore the smooth complexion you once loved.

What is Skin Classic?

This is a state of the art skin care treatment that utilizes the rejuvenating benefits of both radio and high frequency waves to treat a variety of skin imperfections.This device is equipped with radio frequency probes that allow treatments to be customized to the needs and aesthetic desires of each patient. It is a highly effective treatment that is safe for all skin types for correcting a variety of irregularities. It is a non-invasive remedy that can reduce or diminish spots and imperfections that have not responded to alternative methods.

How Does it Work?

The innovative technology works to emit high radio frequency waves past the surface of skin to the targeted area. High frequency waves heat the cells and vaporize the moisture that they are composed of. Therefore, this is effective at eliminating and killing off the cells which then causes the imperfection to diminish and disappear. Typical treatment times last about 15 to 30 minutes, and a numbing topical can be provided in order to ensure optimal patient comfort.

What Can this Treat?

The Skin Classic is successful at treating a range of skin concerns including:

  • Skin tags
  • Clogged pores
  • Broken capillaries
  • Sebaceous hyperplasia
  • Keratosis

Contact Us

Contact Flying Horse Medical Center TODAY at (719)633-5255 or by contacting us HERE to schedule your Skin Classic appointment.

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